Track your Ticket Sales anytime anywhere with Ticket2U

Product News & Tips| 19 Jul 2020

Sales tracking are very important for every event to ensure your marketing, lead and funnel are working properly. Ticket2U equipped with comprehensive ticket sales dashboard and reporting tools that makes event organiser and marketer life easier, 24/7, anytime anywhere with your desktop or mobile.

How can you visualize your sales data to make key decisions and analyze performance? The answer: A sales dashboard.

Analytics inform decisions, lead to new idea and boost sales

Having a comprehensive ticket sales analytics, understand and keep monitoring your ticket sales performance are the most important part after launching your event. All these important data need to be accessible on your finger-tips anytime anywhere.

Event Dashboard

Screenshot above shows a sample of event dashboard for all events hosted in Ticket2U. What's in your Event Dashboard?

  1. Event Summary
  2. Overall Pageviews
  3. Total Ticket Sold, Today and Last 7 Days
  4. Total Sales, Online and Offline Sales
  5. Affiliate Management
  6. Sales Graph Performance, Online / Offline Ticket Sales Pie Chart, Page View Graph Performance
  7. Ticket Management and Participant Management
  8. Account / Banking Information
  9. Ticket Sales Breakdown in Ticket Type, Variant, Session and Capacity
  10. Analytic Breakdown of Customised Field such as Age, Gender, State, Country, and more

Screenshot above shows Sales Graph Performance.

Screenshot above shows Online / Offline Ticket Sales Pie Chart.

Screenshot above shows Page View Graph Performance.

Ticket Type Breakdown Summary

Screenshot above shows each ticket type breakdown sales summary. Ticket sales are not similar as normal e-commerce inventory. Event ticketing consist of Sessions of the event, example of morning, afternoon or different days entry, different types of ticket such as adult, child, different packages, and as well as different variant of ticket for pricing or different format of form registration. All ticket type are as well able to be hold and control the limit of ticket capacity to avoid over-sold specially for seated event or limited seats event.

Dynamic Form Statistic Breakdown

Screenshot above shows breakdown statistics for your event participants. From sample above, you can start to expect participants that are more female than male arrangement. Some event may found this useful to control their participant dietary, child or adult majority, working with more sponsors related before event to understand who's coming to the event.

Ticket Management

In this section, we will explain on how to access your sales and participants report. You can find this Ticket Management section on your Event Dashboard.

Ticket Management - Participant Summary

This screenshot shows Participant Summary in one glance.

1.1 Ticket Management - View Transactions (Purchaser Details)

This screenshot shows Transaction Summary for each purchase made by the ticket buyer. It consist of invoicing, receipt, buyer details, amount collected, number of tickets in one transactions, and claims or check-in features. You can use our Export Data to export your buyer list into an excel for further workaround if needed.

1.2 Ticket Management - View Transactions (Invoice / Receipt)

Screenshot above shows sample of Acknowledgement Receipt for each purchases.

2.1 Ticket Management - View Tickets (Participant Details)

Click on the second tab, go to Tickets

Screenshot above shows participant details / ticket information for each purchases. This is the most important part as in Ticket2U, each purchases can consist of more than one ticket. Which mean, it will have more than one participants information and ticket issued automatically. The event organiser can export all participant details / ticket information with the top right button Export Full Data in excel for further action needed.

2.2 Ticket Management - View Tickets (Edit Participant Details)

The event organiser are allow to modify the participant registration information at anytime they wishes. They can request for multiple account with different role with Ticket2U to grant access for their crew or staffs to access this feature too. Once information has been modified, event organiser can press for the Re-send Ticket button to send the new E-Ticket to the participant easily.

2.3 Ticket Management - View Tickets (View E-Ticket)

Screenshot above shows E-Ticket that sent to each buyer or participants. It consists of information registered, event title, date and venue, Ticket Number, QR Code for scan access, print or save to pdf function.

How to access my Event Dashboard?

There are 3 simple ways to access your event dashboard easily either with desktop or mobile.

Way 1 - Go to your event, you can find a blue Dashboard button here if you are the event owner or granted access for manage the event.

Way 2 - Go to your Top Right Menu, click My Event, find your event and click on Dashboard button.

Way 3 - Download Ticket2U Check-In Manager at Google Play or Apple Store. Login to the app, find the event, go to the last icon on Bottom Right.

sales dashboard,ticket management,performance,affiliate,big data your Ticket Sales anytime anywhere with Ticket2U

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