How to keep your audience stay on your Virtual Conference?

Product News & Tips| 10 Oct 2020

Virtual event are everywhere but not everyone able to captured the interest of audiences and wonder how to make them stay on screen?

We have a ready system to broadcast your conference, login for your audiences, and make them interact, active, stay check-in within period, and integrated with Lucky Draw System, Vote, and Polling.

Features included,
1. Broadcast embedding
2. Screen Barrage (Live popup messenges)
3. Vote and Poll
4. Lucky Draw
5. Check-In Count
6. Custom Registration
7. Custom Web App
8. Payment Gateway
9. Membership or importing
10. SMS and Email Blasting

Interactive Popup Messengers that keep audience interact lively and stay put

Integrated for Facebook, Youtube and Zoom Live Streaming

Yes, choose your live platform as mentioned above, start a new way of conference for your next event!

interactive,screen barrage,audience,messenging,lucky draw to keep your audience stay on your Virtual Conference?

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